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  • #15681
    Post count: 19

    I was wondering if I can change the image sizes of the products shown. I used the suggested images sizes (540×720, vice versa); however, I believe these to be too big for my client. When I try to change the image to smaller dimensions in woocommerce->settings->catalog…the images get expanded to the 270×360 size, causing blurriness. It appears that the images are automatically being scaled to a set dimension. Therefore, I am thinking that there must be something I can change in the CSS to set the image size; however, I can’t seem to find it.

    The website is (it is my testing site). The images are just too big, except for thumbnails. No matter what setting I set for images in woocommerce, they are just getting scaled automatically to whatever setting in the coding.



    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Did you regenerate your thumbnails after changing the image sizes?

    Post count: 19

    Yes, I did. It doesn’t matter if the theme or woocommerce automatically scales them to a specific size. For example, if I want a 100px by 200px image, they would automatically scale to 270px by 360px, causing blurriness, etc. This occurs in the catalog mode mostly. Additionally, if I have images for the single product page, there appears to be no scaling, even if I did regenerate thumbnails. If I place an image larger than 540px by 720px as per the theme’s suggestion, the image remains the larger size and it does not look good on the site.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, both your thumbs on your homepage and the image on the single item view don’t look blurry to me – did you change anything?

    Post count: 19

    I am going to set this topic aside for now. After looking at site with a bigger monitor, it seems to look okay. However, I may come back to this later. Thanks.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Okay 🙂

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