Hi Ed,
Thanks for the tip.
I tried this:
<div id="product-img-slider" class="product-img-area flexslider">
<img class="product-slider-image" data-zoom-image="<?php woocommerce_category_hero_image(); ?>" src="<?php woocommerce_category_hero_image(); ?>" alt="<?php single_cat_title( '', true ); ?>" title="<?php single_cat_title( '', true ); ?>" />
But to no success. It still loads the hero image correctly, but no inner zoom is applied.
Perhaps the zoom js is checking not only if it is_shop() but maybe that it is_product() also? I looked into that some, and noticed thought that on the category pages Atelier is still loading:
<div id="sf-included" class="has-products has-productzoom stickysidebars "></div>
<div id="sf-option-params" data-slider-slidespeed="7000" data-slider-animspeed="600" data-slider-autoplay="0" data-slider-loop="" data-carousel-pagespeed="800" data-carousel-slidespeed="200" data-carousel-autoplay="0" data-carousel-pagination="0" data-lightbox-nav="default" data-lightbox-thumbs="1" data-lightbox-skin="light" data-lightbox-sharing="1" data-product-zoom-type="inner" data-product-slider-thumbs-pos="bottom" data-product-slider-vert-height="700" data-quickview-text="Quickview" data-cart-notification="tada"></div>
So it seams like all the classes should be there to match successful zoom function.
But I must be missing something.