New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Weird flickering of the drop down menu

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #4315
    Post count: 10

    Sometimes the drop down menu in the navigation flickers and you can’t get to the submenu. It didn’t notice it before and it doesn’t happen all the time. but it happens quite often and even refreshing the browser doesn’t always fix it.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    This is in relation to your other thread, it does that because of the main menu items breaking onto the next row. If my z-index solution doesn’t fix this as well (it wasn’t intended for this), then the only option is to either have a smaller width logo or have fewer menu items.



    Support Assistant

    Post count: 10

    No, this doesn’t have to do with that. I made the logo smaller and I removed navigation items so the navigation didn’t wrap. The flickering is a separate thing. Also, in that other forum post, you didn’t mention anything about z-index. I did look at the z-index of the various components (and it seemed correct) before I posted the other question. The flickering (which is actually the sub-menu dropping down and going back up over and over) doesn’t happen every time, but most of the time. It seems to happen most over the “What We Do” navigation item if you stop at the first item on the sub-menu. Every once in a while, that orange bottom border that appears under the active navigation doesn’t show up and when that happens I never see this problem, so maybe it has to do with that. I am not seeing that border in the CSS. Is that done with JavaScript. Can we try getting rid of that altogether?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    What version of the theme do you have?

    You can disable the indicator in Flexform Options > Header Options if you like.

    – Ed

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