New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Theme Support Cardinal – Feature Request Responsive Visibility option for "Hidden on Desktop & Mobile"

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  • #89018
    Post count: 22

    Hey there! I would really like it if there could be an option to hide an element on the combination of Desktop & Mobile.

    I know this may seem unusual but there is one element I want to display differently on a tablet only.

    Specifically, I would like the Clients element to be full width on a tablet, but not on a Desktop. (Find it a bit overbearing when it is full-width on a desktop, but then too small and cramped on the tablet when not full width.)

    I also wonder, on a somewhat related topic, if you would consider allowing the option of making the Clients element show 2 clients per row on a phone. I find it a bit overbearing showing the logos of my clients so large on mobile screens.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Will forward this to the developer to see if we can add the option 🙂

    – Kyle

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