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  • #69678
    Post count: 7

    wp: 3.9
    theme; neighborhood 1.70
    woocommerce 2.1.7
    Problem: I have usend the Norvegian word “Størrelser” for size in variables, and it outputs “Velg en&hellip”. I first thought it was the norwegian character “ø” causing the the trouble, but using the attribute name “nummer” insted did not help. As it shows now, it is just gibberish.
    I have translated the theme and woocommerce via poedit, and looking thruu the translations, I don´t find any misspellings in there.
    Do you know how to fix this?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Let me forward this to my colleague to see if they know what’s causing the problem

    Thanks for your patience

    – Kyle

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, the &hellip should be … and is an ellipsis meaning this: …

    I guess the ; was deleted during the translation process. Can you check it out?

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