New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Top bar aux links and shortcodes

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #153499
    Post count: 181

    Hello again,

    Is there a way to add a shortcode + the aux links in the right section of the top bar? I can select either one or the other but I want both.
    I need a log out button for user management system I use (a plugin) to appear there after users have logged in but I also need some of the aux links such as the language selector.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance


    Post count: 181

    Ok I have done something else actually. The plugin for user management and private content allows syncing with wordpress users so login and signout aux links of the theme work too the same as the custom login forms of the plugin.

    I don’t want however the “My account” option to show next to the login/signout link. Is there a way to disable it without css? I mean for security reasons I don’t want to use dispaly: none; but would prefer to remove the “li” element from this “menu”.

    In which php file can I find this? And what do I need to copy to the functions.php file of the child theme to maintain the change after updates?

    Another option and one that I prefer, would be to change the redirect to a private page on the front end (instead of the dashboard) which exists and is created by the plugin. However, the page is somehow tricky. It uses one of my normal pages as the container and replaces content with custom content per user. This content is a hidden custom post type which is placed within the private page of each user and stored in a separate database table than the other wordpress posts.

    In essence I want to change the redirect from the wp-admin that the “My account” link points to now to the user private page. Where can I change this redirect and how to place it in the child functions.php file?

    This might be trickier than I think it is since it is but it is worth a try.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    I’m afraid the Login / Register / My Account etc links are specifically for WooCommerce, they are not built to work with other member plugins. If you wanted to use them for your 3rd party plugin, you would need to edit the sf-header.php file and edit the code so that it works with with the plugin functionality.

    Unfortunately this is not within the scope of our support to be able to provide that functionality as it is more work than a small customisation. We recommend that you seek a freelance developer if you need that functionality, potentially from one of the below resources:


    Hope that helps.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 181

    Right now the Login/signout links work perfectly fine with the plugin because it can actually sync any of its users with WordPress standard users (mirror account).

    And by some light modifications of the sf-header.php (added to child functions.php now) “My Account” link goes where I want it to go too; to the users private page. It took me some hours since I don’t know PHP but following the statements’ and variables’ logic + google I found my way through.

    Thanks for the heads up on the php file.

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You most welcome. I’m glad that issue resolved.
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards

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