New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Theme Options not saving or reading properly

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #321134
    Post count: 32

    My theme options are not working. If I alter anything in the options, it does not save and then everything gets reset to defaults. I can see my options are correct in the database sf_dante_options but they are not being read from there. Even, I take my saved options (which I have done several times), it does not show correctly and now my site is, not completely broken, it does not look the correct way!

    It doesn’t seem to be reading or writing to the database.

    Post count: 32

    Here is an example:

    I paste in my saved options: (note the hilighted social settings for example)

    I get a green “Success!” message. Here is what is in my social settings after import:

    Post count: 32

    I managed to get my settings saved in the database by clicking ‘edit’ instead of doing the quick edit in phpMyAdmin. I cleared it and saved it and then copy and pasted my settings and then they took place. However, I am scared to try anything else in fear that it will once again break.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Glad it’s sorted, we will investigate this further to see if we can replicate the issue.


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