New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Theme loads terribly slow. Affects conversion rate.

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  • #21531
    Post count: 43

    Hello again,

    The demo’s loading speed is not representative of my own, or a lot of others’ experiences with regards to load time. Are you guys working on a better optimised version, much like the demo?

    Are there also any plugins that you may suggest that you yourselves have tested that will not interfere with the theme?

    The page URL is

    Kind regards,


    Post count: 240

    mine also loads extremely slow. nothing like the demo.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    I’m sorry to tell you that the theme is always the same, for us and for you. If your loading time is slow then it’s either your server or your content that is causing this. So there’s nothing we can do in order to improve it.

    I recommend checking your image sizes, as around 100KB per image should be enough.
    Then you can fix a WP core error by opening the file /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js and deleting the line
    completely. (Wp 3.6)

    Then you can use the plugin W3 total cache in order to improve loading speed even further.


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