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  • #314697
    Post count: 199


    I’m having a lot of throuble on my checkout page and the page after payment. I use a plugin called pagseguro, which is similar and very popular version of paypal in Brasil. Imagine you’ve filled all the forms, also your payment infos and ready to checkout the products of your choice… then right after you hit the purchase button, instead of redirecting you to a thank you page (Ex: “Thank You, your has been placed with success!”), it redirects you to a page saying “It’s not possible to complete you purchase because your cart is empty. But that’s not all, I receive the confirmation of the order, also on pagseguro says the order has been placed. Resuming, the order has been successfully placed, but the message saying that the cart is empty, cause insecurity in our clients and It’s causing a bad image of our website. The result is the order cancellation. Can you help me solve this problem? What could it be? How can I fix this?

    Thank You

    Best regards


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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Hi Eduardo,

    Please enable Twenty16, with that active does the problem remain?


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