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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #212311
    Post count: 7

    Hi guys,

    I’m having a few questions I didn’t find answers for in the forum :

    1. How can I create / customise a template (for the all page configuration so text, side bar, menu …) that I can then apply to all my different pages (Post, Products, Categories …)
    2. How can I do to make sure all my texts on the site are getting justified (sorry don’t know the word in english but aligned left and right at the same time)
    3. Where can I Find / what is the name of the template used in the Woocommerce search page result (My filter plugin is asking for it)
    4. What URL should I put to display search results in the Woocommerce search page result ?
    5. When I’m clicking on a product categorie, if I mouse hover on a product it suddenly double size and the presentation gets ugly (see URL :
    6. How can I optimise the presentation of the Boutique or Categorie page ?

    Sorry I know it’s a lot but I love your Them and spent hours on it, don’t want to loose all this time again on another theme !

    Thank you in advance

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    You would need to make this customisation, please read over the WP page template docs:


    What specific text would you want align left? By default it will be left/center. Doing it globally would at a basic level look like:

    body { text-align: left; }


    This is search.php.


    I do not understand this, can you provide more detail?


    That URL is no longer working, it re-directs. I cannot see any products?


    What exactly would like to do?


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