New Landing How can we help? Atelier Swift Builder not functioning properly

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #265295
    Post count: 137

    It will randomly reset elements to their default and mess up the whole process. It doesn’t let me drag elements into containers like tabs – but let’s me drag them out. It’s also very slow to work with and generally a nightmare to wrestle.

    Post count: 137

    The tabs often break the product element, even if you get them to work. Often I set the slider to fullwidth and it suddenly stops being full screen when I add other elements (even though I set them to fullwidth too).

    Post count: 137

    Please explain why this isn’t fullwidth slider:

    Post count: 137

    My god, I had to disable fullwidth on the product elements. This is looney.

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please provide a link and login so I can check the issue

    – Kyle

    Post count: 137

    Here’s a page with tabs:

    Try dragging/dropping elements into the tab element. Or try use product elements inside a tab element. It breaks everything. It’s just generally a kludge to use. If it works fine for you maybe it’s something about my browser.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you provide admin access in a private reply so we can have a look at the content?


    Post count: 36

    Same problem here with tabs. When making changes settings of tabs get lost. Is there a way to use the old page builder?

    Post count: 36

    First tried the latest update 2.2.0, still problems with registering row background color. Did not give it more try.

    Went back to the old page builder: v1.7.7 problems seems to be solved now.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    What kind of changes were you doing? can you provide us specific examples so we can replicate it and fix it if there is any problem?



    Post count: 36

    Hello Rui,

    when i add a element to a tab and save all the custom settings of the row (vertical alignment, background color and custom classes) are gone. So i have to do all the settings again.

    A major problem with the builder (at my side) is that i have to save a page twice when i add a background color to a row.

    One other major problem is that the page builder stops loading from time to time when i have Advance Custom Fields plugin activated. It’s a major WP plugin.

    I downgraded the page builder to the latest version in previous design. Now my problems are solved.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Thanks for the heads up. We will do some testing with the Advance Custom Fields when possible to figure out if there is any compatibility issue.


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