Thank you for responding. I have referred to the documentation and have tried to upload the theme 2 different ways
First method:
I downloaded all files from Envato Market where I purchased it. This consists of a zipped file called themeforest-6175269-dante-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme.
2. I unzipped this folder
3. Within that folder is a folder entitled dante v3.2.4 I attempted to upload this folder (dante v3.2.4 ) to the themes folder using filezilla and it did not work
4. I then zipped dante v3.2.4 and tried uploading this with Filezilla and this did not work
Both times it says the stylesheet is missing
5. I then tried uploading the zipped dante v3.2.4 directly via the wordpress uploader and I get an error screen that says, “Are you sure you want to do this? Try again.”
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?