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  • #17963
    The Hidden
    Post count: 7

    Hi, was wandering if you had any idea’s as to why my homepage lags when loading and flickers slightly? There is a huge difference between the smooth loading of your demo and the way my site’s homepage loads using the ‘Neighborhood’ theme! Would appreciate some help if you could…

    Post count: 4

    ive noticed the same thing on my website… the demos load time is wayy quicker!

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    If you could post your website URL I’ll gladly analyze it 🙂

    The Hidden
    Post count: 7
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    1) your site is trying to fetch the file Slider1a.png which is not on your server, that leads to a delay in loading. Make sure to remove the call to that file from wherever it may be.

    2) Then we’re having this error:

    this is an error of the WordPress core files which hopefully will be fixed soon by the WP developers.

    In the meantime we can fix it manually by opening the file /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js and deleting the line


    The Hidden
    Post count: 7
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Fantastic, glad it loads well now 🙂

    Did you already apply the fix I posted above? That would be great so we could see if that was indeed the issue.

    Did the theme upload or does it appear in the “broken themes” section below the themes in wp-admin > Appearance > Themes?

    Did you auto update or upload it manually via FTP or the Dashboard?


    Post count: 10

    Hi Melanie,
    I have a similar issue with my content loading, disappearing and showing up after 1-3 seconds.
    I’ve spent hours trying to find a solution. Can you troubleshoot this for me? The URL is

    I checked the console for errors and don’t get the jquery errory.


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, I don’t have any problem loading your site, but my analyzer shows that you’re using images that are over 400KB, like the HomeSlider4-b0x.png or HomeSlider3-b0x.png – I would recommend reducing the sizes.


    Post count: 10

    No, that’s not it. The website is on a new server WPengine so it’s really fast, but there’s still a problem of the content flashing. I think it has to do with a HTTP error 301 moved, but I’m not sure why this is. If you look at the Network Tab of Chrome Dev tools, you can see this issue.

    Post count: 6
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, could you please open a new thread for your issue?
    Posting in an existing topic prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Added to which, your problem – despite any similarity in symptoms – is likely to be completely different.
    Also, if needed, you can only submit your login details safely in a private reply if you open a new thread.

    Thank you so much!

    for the error you would need to contact your hosting company, I can only advise to reduce the image sizes.

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