I have managed to create an extra field on the portfolio category page with help from the ACF plugin.
It’s visible in backend, so I can enter an extra long description for the portfolio categories.
My problem is the content from the field will not show up in frontend.
I have set location rule to taxonomy term equal to portfolio category and named the field “portfolio_long_category_description”.
I tried the following code in the template taxonomy-portfolio-category.php:
<?php $category_id = get_queried_object_id(); ?>
<?php $cat_id = 'category_'.$category_id; ?>
<?php $portfolio_long_category_description = get_field( 'portfolio_long_category_description', $cat_id); ?>
<?php echo get_field('portfolio_long_category_description'); ?>
I know it’s a question regarding customization, but maybe you could point me in the right direction?
Best regards