New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Shortcode to add icons from Font Awesome

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #125326
    Post count: 14

    Hello there,

    I am new here and just getting my feet wet with Swift Ideas themes and more specifically FlexForm.

    I’m curious how I can get font-awesome icons loaded in? I am setting up my homepage here: and using the icon shortcode in the menu. However not ALL the font-awesome icons are listed to place above my title centered.

    I have used this code: [icon image="road" size="medium" cont="no" float="none"] and that works, but if I change “road” to say “users” it just shows blank. How can I get access to ALL font-awesome fonts? Forgive me if this has been asked, I couldn’t find it in the forums.


    Post count: 14

    Oh and I also tried this: <i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i> fa-camera-retro

    That didn’t work either. It just shows “fa-camera-retro”

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Flexform is still not using the latest Font Awesome version, here is that topic.

    Update for Flexform for WP 4 and Font Awesome 4.2?

    Instead of “fa” you should use “icon”. So the Retro camera will be “icon-camera-retro”


    Post count: 14

    Ok I have called in the icons and able to adjust the size, but I can’t get it to center? Any ideas:

    <h3 class="fa icon-camera-retro icon-2x" align="center"></h3>

    I don’t have to use H3, that’s just what I decided to use until I get it working right. Is there any shortcode built-in to the template that I can use? Cuz when I use the Visual builder instead of HTML in WordPress, it doesn’t show the icon, so you don’t know it’s actually there until you view the page.


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    You should use the tag,

    <i class="fa icon-camera-retro icon-2x" align="center"></i> 

    Check here the list of icons


    Post count: 14

    Ok so I put that in the text editor and when I save the swift page creator, then publish the site, that line of code: <i class="fa icon-camera-retro icon-2x" align="center"></i> turns into ` ‘. What am I missing? This isn’t rocket science but I can’t figure it out!

    Also, is there a shortcode I can put in the Visual editor, so I can actually see where these are, otherwise you don’t know where they are without looking at the HTML code.


    Post count: 14

    Ok I’m a moron,

    I could have sworn I tried this first thing, but apparently it didn’t work. I changed the actual shortcode: [icon image="camera-retro" size="medium" cont="no" float="none"] and by changing just the image title it worked fine. I thought I did that to start but apparently I did not do it correctly. This satisfies my need for a shortcode and all icons are same color and can be changed.

    Thanks for the help! It got me to my solution 🙂

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please try to use this plugin Hope that should help to you.

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