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  • #16699
    Glen Cuoco
    Post count: 37

    I’ve been trying to how these “widgets” work. When I look at them in Edit Mode, I see a place to select an Asset Type (there are 5 to choose from in the drop down menu), but I can’t seem to find where the Assets are created or listed. While learning the Theme, I look at the code that makes up the different items and try to learn from there.

    Can someone please help me to understand how these work and where I can add/modify the “Assets Type” selection.

    Thanks very much!

    Glen Cuoco
    Post count: 37

    Sorry, should have typed “…been trying to FIGURE OUT how these…” Been a long day!

    If you look at the Home page on the demo site, I’m trying to understand the section that has “Best sellers,” “Top rated,” “Sale products” and “Featured” entries.

    Thanks, in advance, again!

    Glen Cuoco
    Post count: 37

    Not to worry – I figured it out myself….by accident!

    Thanks anyway!


    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Fantastic 🙂

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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