New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Clique Set max width for portfolio detail page images?

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  • Posted in: Clique
  • #26651
    Post count: 9

    On the actual portfolio detail images, so the large ones on the page with the text next to them, is there a way to set the max width of the images? As I dont want my images upscaling so much on bigger screens (probably is my images can be quite small at source size)

    I did read something similar about editing php files, which I tried and broke it so had to reinstall.

    Post count: 9

    Also is there a way to disable scaling on the portfolio detail parts? If not, Im not sure I can use the theme now as it means all my work is blurred/pixellated. Hoping there is something I can do.

    Post count: 9

    Never mind, Ive done some CSS, changed single portfolio.php and functions.php and set a max width so it doesnt go too large, then centered it and the arrows. Strangely the close button stopped having a hover pointer so added that to the CSS as well.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


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