New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Sales Tax not showing in cart

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  • #27281
    Post count: 45

    We currently have it setup in the woocommerce tax tab to show (Display prices during cart/checkout: to including taxes.) After saving those options, refreshing multiple browsers, we are not seeing the taxes being displayed in the cart or during checkout. Everything else seems to be functioning well in the ordering process and we do not see what is causing the problem. Can you please assist.

    Visit, add a product to shopping bag and view the cart and checkout process and see that the taxes are not mentioned anywhere. Thanks.


    Post count: 45

    Was able to fix it using the method mentioned in the link below but it seems to be a fix that just alleviates the problem partially. Not sure why all the info is not being accepted.

    Post count: 25

    In the detail of the product the price is not taxed, but in the shopping cart it appears without taxes.
    I’ve changed the theme and it works fine

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    This ticket is years old, please open a new ticket if you require assistance.

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