New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Provide an Update please

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  • #23349
    Post count: 59

    Hi Ed,

    can you provide a direct theme update here please? I am sure there a a lot of small fixes in your latest files. There a a lot of small bugs in the version v1.3.2 from themeforest. Do you have an fixed version?

    Post count: 59

    Example: ‘Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d products’ (in result-count.php) ist not in the theme language file. in woocommerce language file the name is “Showing %1$d–%2$d of %3$d results” (not products).

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, can you specify what you mean by “a lot of small fixes in our latest files” and “a lot of small bugs in the version 1.3.2″?

    That would help, thanks

    Post count: 59

    Hi Melanie, sorry, but this is not an answer to my question. Do you only want to edit this topic?

    Like this:

    It is an great theme, but some things cost me weeks of work.

    Please provide an Update.

Viewing 4 posts - 1 through 4 (of 4 total)

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