New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions Product Colour Picker

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  • #133703
    Post count: 6

    I feel like maybe I’m missing something here because I’ve not managed to find anybody else mention this on the forums, if it doesn’t already sneakily exist under my nose, it would be great if the Neighborhood theme or any of your other WooCommerce themes (if you do any others) had a colour picker in the product page!

    I’m pretty new to website building and Neighborhood has been a great help, I just think it would be good if there was colour selection for products that had a few colour choices, something that would shift the product image focus to one of the right colour when you click on it and then would also retain the product’s colour attribute when you took it to the shopping cart.

    Sorry if this feature is already in! (I would love a nudge in the right direction if it is!)

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880
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