New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Dante Problems after update Dante theme on my blog

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  • Posted in: Dante
  • #320747
    Post count: 38

    Yesterday I’ve updated the theme of the blog and i’ve encountered a lot of problems on my blog….these are the main problem we’ve seen immediately

    A) Inside the page/post builder the icon are disapperead, the icons buttons on each element have disappeared, though they still work if you click them.

    B) the side bar side bar is going to web footer….

    C) The post are not on chronologic order…..before the update they were all the same and they respected the chronologic order

    D) The post on the blog page are not with the same size…some are ok, some medium, some huge…

    Thanks in advance for the help

    Sorry about my english


    Post count: 38

    About the point C…to be more precise, it seems like the post/article posted between october 2016 to january 2017 are at the end of the list, in the bottom of the blog…

    Post count: 7

    Don’t mean to highjack this thread but I am also having very similar issues.

    I am encountering A, B and D that you have listed above.

    I would like to add that for issue A – the files that are “missing” ARE there, it seems to be an issue with letter case, as soon as I try the path with casing that matches the file name, it finds it without issue.

    I really need to get these issues resolved.

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    A) Please add your FTP, I see your server is returning the files are not found:

    C) On your blog page or via the Page Builder output?

    B,D) These will be fixed in the next update. Can add them sooner with details from a) if you want.

    Post count: 38
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    Everything should be sorted now.

    Regarding C) have you altered this blog page builder setting:

    Post count: 38
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    a) just checking this with the team now.

    c) if you adjust that, the order should be easily amended.

    This issues were about the blog…I’ve also a site, always done with Dante….with some minors issue….can i post here the issues of the site too or do you prefere that I open another ticket?

    – please open a new ticket.

    Post count: 38
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    A) Should be fixed in the new update, please run the update:

    E) That’s not something I can replicate on your site. Can you list the steps you take a replicate this?


    Post count: 38
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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    A) Yes, you need to update the theme. You won’t loose customizations as long as you have not edited the core theme dante files. Changes like that belong in a child theme.

    E) Please write the steps you take so I can run through to replicate.

    Post count: 38
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    Post count: 38
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Post count: 38

    I’ve just updated the theme…

    The customization is lost but the issue is fixed

    Both Point A) and E)


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