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  • Posted in: Clique
  • #24926

    So I think my issue has to do with editing how permalinks work within the theme. We added a Pinterest ‘Pin It’ plugin to our portfolio pages. For some reason when clicked, the first time the plugin operates but no images are grabbed to pin to Pinterest. If you click back, click the same Pinterest button, it works perfectly. The native Facebook and Twitter buttons next to it work great all the time.
    Any insight? Should I reach out to the plugin specifically?
    Thanks in advance for any help.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032


    can you by any chance contact the plugin developers about this problem?
    There is a massive amount of plugins out there on the market. Each and every one is created by a different developer who uses their own techniques and code.
    Because of this, we cannot guarantee that everyone of them will work with our theme. When an issue arises, we will certainly try to do what we can to fix it though. The best thing to do first is to report the issue to the plugin developer because they know their own code better than we do. Let us know what the plugin developer reports back and we will see what can be done!

    Thanks and all the best!

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