Hi guys, I wish to say that is by far the BEST theme I’ve ever work with. Great stuff. I love it so much that I will refer it to all. Have a couple of ideas which will send to you after finish my project for improving DRY on the swift builder.
Now on the topic. I use your shortcode to make a pricing table and set all content. But when it came to PayPal buttons code I stuck. If I try to put them in the price table they became only images. So I used RAW HTML block bellow them and in desktop mode it’s ok but when go to my phone I saw first 3 price tables (I used Bordered-alt) and bellow them 3 PayPal buttons. I wonder if there is a solution to my problem.
You can find attached 3 previews (2 front-end and 1 from swift builder) of my issue.
Once again great work, really great and looking forward for your reply.