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  • Posted in: Pinpoint
  • #42246
    Post count: 13

    I updated to the latest WordPress version 3.8 several days ago.
    A problem appeared that I had before – I use WPML for translation and masonry view for posts main page.
    On the main language home page everything works file, while on the translation home page the pages after 1st page do not load, for example:, it just stays on when you click on “next page”.
    I had the same problem several months ago, then I contacted you after long discussion with WPML and you solved the issue.
    I suppose that something in the WordPress updated version causes the issue.
    I tried deactivating all plugins and this didn’t help. Installing a new version of WPML causes another issue even with their latest version. I currently use WPML WPML CMS Nav 1.3, WPML Media 1.4, WPML Multilingual CMS 2.8.1, WPML Sticky Links 1.3 and WPML String Translation 1.7 – all newer versions of the WPML plugin causes the thumbnails from all posts in the masonry view to disappear. And I try every new WPML version, hoping that the issue is resolved (because I communicated on it a lot with the WPML team) and them I install the previous version again. Moreover, the latest WPML version does not solve the pagination issue that the latest WordPress caused.
    I know I cannot stay with the old WPLM and I will have to upgrade sometime in the future, but additional issue with the compatibility of the Pinpoint theme with WordPress in combination with WPML, as I bought them only because they were stated to be “perfectly compatible”.

    I look forward to your help. Thank you in advance!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Ellie,

    This is likely a permalinks issue.

    If you set the permalinks to default, do the pages work as expected? Let us know, and we can advise from there.

    – Ed

    Post count: 13

    Hi Ed,

    Thank you very much for your support. The default option works, I deactivated all the plug-ins that I do not currently use.

    Thank you,

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    If you switch back to the custom option, does it work now? Sometimes it needs a little reset before it works.

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