New Landing How can we help? Atelier Out of Stock tag not working

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #278219
    Post count: 137

    This product doesn’t show the ‘out of stock’ tag even though it’s out of stock?

    How do I make it show as out of stock?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Is there a reason why your site is getting update notifications? Are you blocking those in the config or via a plugin?

    WooCommerce plugin is dated, the latest needs to be 2.6.2.

    The theme is also dated, the latest is 2.1.51

    Full instructions on how to upgrade are found here:

    Post count: 137

    Yeah the theme always breaks after auto updates. It’s really not acceptable so I turned updates off with a plugin. Case in point, look at these product listing buttons:

    Anyway, I updated everything and the ‘out of stock’ tag still doesn’t show up. Any other ideas?

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    I am checking this on my dev version also and the stock management badges are working. It’s likely a plugin is overriding this.

    Can you disable all plugins so only WooCommerce & Swift Framework are active?


    Post count: 137

    Tried it. Still didn’t work.

    Post count: 137

    The product buttons are still fucked too. Why does this theme always break. Listen, I’m going to vegas today, you’ve got my permission to change whatever you need to change to make it not look fucked:

    And to make that “sold out” tag work.

    Post count: 137

    The vegas thing was a joke but seriously everything breaking is killing me.

    I figured out why the buttons are misaligned. It’s some CSS I added. BUT I NEED THAT CSS. Atelier removes the default list icon styling and gives you some whacky shortcode version that doesn’t have a simple dot icon (I seached!). So I added back html default list discs:

    Wow that list doesn’t use a balloon or spaceship or anythng ridiculous. WONDERFUL!

    Here’s the code though, it’s full of slow not() and exceptions. Maybe you can think of a better way to do it? I wanted to allow the the sf-list shotcode if I ever decided to use it (fat chance).

     * Fix List Elements to use proper symbol and indent
     * We use not:(attribute) chains to exclude stuff, it can be a little slow.
     * .product-after-summary  
    .content-wrap ul:not([class*="sf-list"]):not([class*="su-list"]),
    .page-content ul:not([class*="sf-list"]):not([class*="su-list"]):not([class*="wc_payment_methods"]):not([class*="products"])
        list-style:disc inside !important;
    .content-wrap ul:not([class*="su-list"]),
    .page-content ul:not([class*="su-list"]):not([class*="wc_payment_methods"]):not([class*="products"]) {
      margin-top: 10px;
    .content-wrap ul:not([class*="su-list"]) li,
    .page-content ul:not([class*="su-list"]):not([class*="wc_payment_methods"]):not([class*="products"]) li {
      text-indent: 1.3em;
    ul .wc_payment_methods {
        list-style:none outside !important;
    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    At the moment is anything left that you still need help?


    Post count: 137

    I fixed everything but the ‘out of stock’ tag not appearing, as per OP.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Out of stock tag showing fine for me. Are you still having the issue?

    Let me know where that section is with the bullet tags that you were having an issue with. Definitely don’t want you having to run that slow css. Have assigned this topic to myself to avoid any more delays.

    – Ed

    Post count: 137

    This is what I’m referring to:

    Post count: 137

    For the bullet CSS what I ended up doing is a special ul class that styles it how I want. I just have to remember to add that class whenever I want regular bullets.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    That’s odd. What have you done differently for the product to the right that shows out of stock correctly? Just tested with a variable product locally, enabled Manage Stock on each variation, and set stock to 0, and the out of stock tag showed with no issue. Can you check each variation/see if you can find a difference in your setup between that product and the one that works?

    – Ed

    Post count: 137

    As far as I can tell nothing is different.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264
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