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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #6874
    Post count: 39


    My problem is similar to this entry:

    From time to time, I cannot change pages/posts. Associated with this problem seems to be the font color changing to white inside of boxed element so that I can’t see the text unless I highlight everything. It usually resolves itself, but it is unnerving to say the least. Also, I don’t know if I should do a separate post for this, but I also had all of the content from a post completely disappearing except for one text box that would display strangely inside of the swift page builder. Any info would be really appreciated.


    Post count: 39

    The link didn’t post for some reason, but it was the thread with people not being able to click on disable breadcrumbs etc. in old posts.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    We’re aware of the issue, the meta options aren’t working correctly for pages that are already published – only new ones.

    Ed, wasn’t there an update that took care of this?

    – what theme version are you running?


    Support Assistant

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi guys,

    Still trying to chase this up with the meta box framework devs.

    – Ed

    Post count: 66

    HI, I also am having trouble with all-white font in my page builder boxes (which cannot be seen unless I highlight everything)…is there a solution for this?

    This is for Flexform.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @Sabrina,

    Check the text tab, there is likely inline styling which is colouring your text white.

    Else, make sure you have updated the theme/WordPress and cleared your browser cache.

    – Ed

    Post count: 66

    Thanks, yeah I tried to update the theme yesterday several times but it just keeps timing out.

    Cleared my browser cache and WP is up to date…is there something I can do to be successful with the update and fix my original problem? The update still keeps just running but no changes.

    Thanks again!

    Post count: 66

    Also, the white text is only when I try to edit a text box– the site looks like what my settings are set to, the issue is with the editing of the text within a Page Builder block. I can’t see anything unless I highlight all the text.

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Send me an email via: and I’ll send over the zip for the latest build for you to update manually.

    – Ed

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