New Landing How can we help? Atelier Newsletter Confusion

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #293537
    Post count: 8


    I was trying to implement a few things using MailChimp, and looking through the forum, I’ve just made myself even more confused. I need to understand these points:

    1. When you create a campaign to be sent out as a newsletter of which the embed code gets pasted into Theme options > Newsletter, does this mean that I have to paste a form every time I’d like to send a different newsletter?

    2. I was given this code: but I’m not sure what it does, and it says that it replicates Atelier’s newsletter theme? But what does that even look like? Does this mean that the newsletter itself or just the bar at the bottom?

    3. I’ve connected a list that I’ve made on Mailchimp to my website, but where do subscribers to that mailing list go to sign up for it? Do they automatically go onto that list wherever they sign up for the newsletter because I’ve connected with that list on Mailchimp? What did it mean when it shows under Theme options>header>account links: “Account Links – Subscribe Check this to show the suscribe dropdown in the links output, allowing users to subscribe via inputting their email address. If you use this, be sure to enter a Mailchimp form action URL in the box below.” What’s the difference between this and a newsletter bar?

    4. What does this mean? Account Links – Subscribe form code
    Enter the form code (e.g. Mailchimp) that will be used for the subscribe dropdown. You can enter HTML/Shortcodes/Text here.

    I apologise for these questions, but it seems there is no concise clarification for these differences, and the explanations don’t clarify it any more.


    Post count: 8
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    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    I have managed to resolve the issue so please check it now.

    Post count: 8

    Thanks for the quick reply; Ok, so the form at the footer works, and thanks for fixing the subscribe box! However, what about the other questions? I’m not sure what has been done, and it’d be great to understand so I can have less future problems.

    Thank you!

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    You have wrong form action so i corrected it. You inserted the << before the form action that is cause to issue.

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