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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #9362
    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    Yep, I’ve found what the issue is

    I’ve modified your navigation about a bit but I’ll put it all back now, the class I mentioned in my previous post is getting added due to the drop down menu having the link to the homepage

    The reason the first 3 links don’t colour up on your homepage is because they are all linked to your homepage too, if you go on any other page you’ll see all 3 light up.

    Also you’ve got all of your links set to custom when you can use page which would be better use it in the left section like this

    You’ll find that when you’ve actually given pages to your links the issues will go away


    Post count: 39

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for your help. I think that’s what Ed was saying as well, and I thought that that made good sense, but in practice it wasn’t doing that as far as I can tell. Concerning the page menu item, I have found that custom gives me more flexibility. The problem that I was seeing still remains unless I am absolutely not understanding.

    The upshot is that if you and Ed are right, then “hosted fly fishing trips”, which has the exact same link structure as the first three (i.e., it has no link in it in the menu page), should not light up like it is (I can put the home page link in here and it solves the problem somewhat). Furthermore, “fly fishing media and reviews” should light up because it is linked to another page. However, it does not light up on hover even though it is linked to another page just like “about” right next to it. I hope I have understood you correctly, and if I have, then the problem remains on the homepage for sure.


    Post count: 39


    Well, since I wrote last, the links have begun to do something different. So, for no apparent reason at all, “fly fishing media & reviews” has started to light up. It makes no difference what I link to any of the menus items; nothing I do affects it at all. I can put a link in, take one out, whatever. It acts the same as “hosted fly fishing trips”. Also, there is no reason why “hosted fly fishing trips” should be any different from “to fly fish” or “rankings” as far as I can tell, yet it lights up. I just want consistency particularly on my home page; it just does not look professional.


    Ben – SUPPORT
    Post count: 690

    It seems to be working fine, if you look over my answer again you’ll see the issue. if you actually go on the “Hosted fly fishing trips” you’ll see the other ones light up as they’re not the active page


    Post count: 39

    Hi guys,

    Thanks for your time. I looked over your guys’ answer, and it just does not seem to work like that in reality. I understand what your saying is descriptively accurate, no href etc., but that does not help me solve the problem. With respect to the links and the home page, the question becomes why are they doing this, and it is not simply a link issue. The default seems to be to light up, so the question then remains why are some lighting up and others not. Linking has a limited predictable effect on the home page menu items. What is predictable is that when the number of sub-menu items is increased or decreased, the menu item is directly affected. I tested all of my menu items with a programmer friend, and this was the only thing that yielded anything predictable. When sub-menu items are taken away, eventually the corresponding menu item lights up; when they are added, eventually the opposite happens, irrespective of the link or name of the menu item. Thus, there must be something within the sub-menus that is causing this based off the fact that the correspondence is not numeric, i.e., there is no exact number of sub-menu items that causes this effect, but usually around 8 or 9 menu items causes the menu item not to light up. Any suggestions in this direction?

    Thanks again for your time.

    Post count: 39

    Hi guys,

    Just trying to save my question as it’s coming on a week. I know that this has been a tedious question, but it’s very important to me that my homepage function correctly. The inconsistent menu items violates many of Steve Krug’s basics for a homepage, not to say he’s the end-all be-all, but his recommendations make sense. Once again, any suggestions on why the sub-menu items are affecting the light-up status.


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hmm, I’ve created a test menu (please check) and that seems to be working fine.

    At first I did encounter an issue with not being able to add custom links to it, but disabling that menu plugin worked.

    Try having the top (non-linking) menu items link to a # rather than nothing.


    Cosmin – Support

    Post count: 39


    Thanks for your help. I took a look at the test page. I’m surprised that the plugin did anything since the problem was happening before I got the plugin. If you’ll look at the test page again, I have added some more sub-menu items. The problem arose when I added sub-menu item ‘FLY FISHING TEST 5’. When you remove it, the main menu item lights up. When it’s there, it does not.

    Thanks again

    Post count: 39

    Hi guys,

    Well it’s been over a week since I’ve heard from you. I know you are busy, but it’s taken three weeks to get one response back (July 5-July 26), and it could go on a month to get two responses back! If you can explain why the menu is acting the way it is in my last post, it would help me immensely. I’m sure you guys appreciate how important all of your customers’ sites are to them since in many cases it will be providing income etc. Hopefully, I’m not being unreasonable in this.

    Thanks again

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Replied to your email, as I can’t see the menu item. We’ll get this resolved asap.

    – Ed

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