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  • #12719
    Post count: 5

    On the right top of the theme I can see a select option for the language.
    What is this for?

    I thougt that the theme was multi-language.
    I would like to make a web with 3 languages. Is it possible or i have to install a plugin?

    When i press for example spanish button nothig happen and in the admin panel I don’t have different boxes to insert the tittle o text in different languajes?

    Can you say to me if the theme is for different languages or have I to install a plugin to make it?

    Post count: 67

    Yes Yes Plugin needed
    see theme documentation chapter “translation”

    Post count: 5

    I bought this theme because i thougt that it was multilingual ready.
    Now I kwon that I was in a error.
    I need a Web where I can translate everithing and writte everything in 3 langs.

    I’ve looking in the forum and I think that the solution is to buy VPML plugin.

    I have test with qtranslate pluguin but only some fields are possible to translate.

    I ask now…

    IN VPML page there is two options

    MultilinguaL CMS
    US$ 79 (USD)

    Multilingual Blog
    US$ 29 (USD)

    I could pay the 29$ plugin if it’s sure that I can translate everything in my web.

    Do you thing that with this I can have a full web in 3 languages and in the admin panel I can writte all the text in 3 langs.

    (With qtranslate I’ve seen that for example the swift page builder elements only I can writte in one languaje)

    Could you help to me please?

    Post count: 5

    Could someone say to me if with the WPML pluguin Multilingual Blog US$ 29 (USD) i can have a web with the theme Neighborhood_v1.1 in 3 languages.
    I would like to kwow if I all the swift page builder elements can be translated writting the text in differents languages and all the things.
    Is it possible?

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi there,

    we did not test that and I hope you understand that we cannot test every third party plugin, especially if it’s paid 🙁
    But feel free to try it and let us know any errors that might occur. You can also contact the WPML plugin support before purchasing and ask them if their plugin is capable to translate custom theme backend options and page builders.


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