New Landing How can we help? Atelier Mobile style tweaks

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #233409
    Post count: 85

    Hi Swift team,

    I was wondering if you would consider some of the following points for inclusion in a future theme release. (If not, would you provide the css changes required for the end user, thanks):

    1) Have an option for use of a menu in the footer left area (theme options> footer options). This would mean that the footer menu would appear before the copyright text which is normally displayed at the bottom of a site.

    2) Show the product qty and add to cart button full width on mobile displays.

    3) When using the mobile menu, the quantity figure looks out of alignment (when using stoke icons)

    4) On the checkout page, the payment method drop down arrow is in a slightly different colour to the background colour

    5) Social profile use of https links (theme options> social profiles) – Most social media sites now use https for links to profiles, but we can only enter a username for some of the networks included in the theme, which use http.

    6) Social header icons – When using social icons in the top bar left config area, is there an option to change colour of these in the theme colour customiser?

    7) Will the theme make use of the responsive images feature in wordpress 4.4?

    Many thanks for your help.

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    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    1) There is not enough current demand for that change, you would need to use a developer to implement that on your site.

    2, 3, 4 and 6 we can help you with a little CSS. What is your site?

    5) Where are you outputting those, if you use a HTTPS site yourself, they should update to use HTTPS.

    7) I think this will be added going forward at some point, after a fair bit of testing. I’ll need to double check this with the lead dev.


    Post count: 85

    Many thanks for the reply David.

    1) That’s fine. I’m able to change that myself, just thought I’d put it forward as a suggestion.

    For 2,3,4 & 6 I’m currently developing the site locally so don’t have a live example just yet. I’ll include links to other websites which exhibit a similar problem. Regarding problems 3 & 4 this appears to be inherited from the parent atelier theme so other clients of the theme will most likely have the same problem.
    6) I’ve added the social icons using a shortcode but found out that adding =light when used on a dark background fixes that issue.

    5) I’m using the social shortcode for these. Although the end user is redirected to a https social page, on my website (and others) some links are appended with http or just www.

    7) That’s great, thanks.

    Post count: 85

    Many thanks for the reply David.

    1) That’s fine. I’m able to change that myself, just thought I’d put it forward as a suggestion.

    For 2,3,4 & 6 I’m currently developing the site locally so don’t have a live example just yet. I’ll include links to other websites which exhibit a similar problem. Regarding problems 3 & 4 this appears to be inherited from the parent atelier theme so other clients of the theme will most likely have the same problem.
    6) I’ve added the social icons using a shortcode but found out that adding =light when used on a dark background fixes that issue.

    5) I’m using the social shortcode for these. Although the end user is redirected to a https social page, on my website (and others) some links are appended with http or just www.

    7) That’s great, thanks

    Post count: 85
    This reply has been marked as private.
    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834

    3) Please add this:

    .mobile-header-opts .shopping-bag-item a > span.num-items {
        line-height: 18px!important;
    #mobile-menu ul > a span.num-items {
        right: 23px;

    4) Please add this:

    .woocommerce-checkout #payment div.payment_box:before {
        border: 1em solid #f2f2f2;

    5) The footer icons look https right now?


    Post count: 85

    Thanks David. For some reason my previous message isn’t showing (maybe detected as spam?):

    Many thanks for the reply David.

    1) That’s fine. I’m able to change that myself, just thought I’d put it forward as a suggestion.

    For 2,3,4 and 6 I’m currently developing the site locally so don’t have a live example just yet. I’ll include links to other websites which exhibit a similar problem. Regarding problems 3 and 4 this appears to be inherited from the parent atelier theme so other clients of the theme will most likely have the same problem.
    6) I’ve added the social icons using a shortcode but found out that adding ‘light’ when used on a dark background fixes that issue.

    5) I’m using the social shortcode for these. Although the end user is redirected to a https social page, on my website (and others) some links are appended with http or just www.

    7) That’s great, thanks.

    Post count: 85

    Thanks David. For some reason my previous message isn’t showing (maybe detected as spam?):

    Many thanks for the reply David.

    1) That’s fine. I’m able to change that myself, just thought I’d put it forward as a suggestion.

    For 2,3,4 and 6 I’m currently developing the site locally so don’t have a live example just yet. I’ll include links to other websites which exhibit a similar problem. Regarding problems 3 and 4 this appears to be inherited from the parent atelier theme so other clients of the theme will most likely have the same problem.
    6) I’ve added the social icons using a shortcode but found out that adding ‘light’ when used on a dark background fixes that issue.

    5) I’m using the social shortcode for these. Although the end user is redirected to a https social page, on my website (and others) some links are appended with http or just www.

    7) That’s great, thanks.

    Post count: 85

    Thanks David. For some reason I think my reply prior to post #233983 isn’t being shown (marked as spam?)

    David Martin – Support
    Post count: 20834


    Just unmarked them. Let me know if you have any other queries.


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