New Landing How can we help? Atelier Mobile Menu Questions

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #289182
    Post count: 240

    Couple questions regarding the mobile menu.

    1. Is it possible to change the font size on only the mobile menu text?

    2. When using sub-menus on the mobile menu, the “dropdown” or “expand” icon works for expanding the sub-menu, but then the icon flips and becomes a “close” button, however when a user taps on that icon they’re actually directed to the link of that menu, rather than having the dropdown menus close.

    For example, I’m a clothing store and have “Men” as the main link with “Shirts” “Shorts” and “Pants” as submenu links. When I tap “Men” to expand the submenu, the 3 other options are shown, when I retap that “expand/close” icon, I’m directed to the Men’s link, rather than the submenus closing.

    Is this something that can be fixed? Definitely a misleading icon.

    Thanks for your time.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    1) Sure, add this custom css:

    #mobile-menu ul li a {
    font-size: 20px;

    2) This is intended functionality. The arrow is not for closing, as this is just an indicator. Having that as an open/close would probably not make more sense. If you solely want the parent menu item to open/close the sub-menu, then you’d need to set the parent menu item as a ‘#’ custom link. To have the arrow close/open the sub-menu would require custom code, not something we could provide. We could however provide custom css to keep the arrow pointed down on open if you’d prefer?


    – Ed

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