New Landing How can we help? Atelier Migrate Neighborhood / Atelier

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #169046
    Post count: 18

    Hello ,
    I am very interested in migrating to the theme Atelier, today I use the Neighborhood . They are compatible ? Pages , woocormerce etc?

    It would not have a discount coupon for me to get the second theme with you ?

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    1) There are some changes to the page builder shortcodes, but we can provide a list of these and a plugin you can use to update them. Depends on how many pages you have set up using the page builder – not too difficult a swap at all.

    2) Unfortunately not, Envato do not allow it. We ran a promotion like this previously, and Envato shut it down for apparently “being unfair to other sellers”.

    We’d love to, but for now it’s impossible for us to do so. Sorry about that.

    – Kyle

    Post count: 48

    Hi Kylie,

    Can you elaborate on what the changes are? Specifically, what the functionality differences are? Does the plugin you mention change the shortcodes in the database fo r you?


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi guys,

    Here is the guide:

    Same for Neighborhood as is with Dante.

    In terms of what’s new, we’ve spent a huge amount of time developing new performance functionality, which we call “Swift SmartScript”. We detect the contents of a page when you save it, and store meta values based on the content. We then use these values to remove unnecessary scripts from the page, including from selected 3rd party plugins. We found in most tests this removed upwards of 60% of scripts from the page, and greatly increased load times.

    This does require each page to be saved once the functionality is enabled, but there are bulk save plugins you can download.

    We’ve also added built in stylesheet minification.

    In terms of functionality, we’ve worked on greatly improving the mobile experience, especially in terms of shop browsing, with layout options, mobile filters, etc. We’ve also added an option to provide a different logo for the mobile header.

    There is a new slideout menu option, header aux builder, newsletter bar, global header banner, row top/bottom slant styling, and an all round slicker design.

    Post count: 24
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    Post count: 24
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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Let us know if you need help to solve any problem in the migration.

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