New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Flexform Lightbox image shortcodes help

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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #20552
    Post count: 171


    I’m hoping to get a little better understanding of how the lightbox image shortcodes work, as I’m trying to do something specific with them.

    I didn’t see an image shortcode when clicking on the shortcodes icon, so I’m guessing I have to use the code manually:

    [vc_single_image image=”561″ frame=”borderframe” lightbox=”yes”]

    1. Is there an easy way for my client to find the image number (they’re technically challenged)
    2. Is there a way to size the image to fit a horizontal width of 350px when viewed on the page, but open to it’s full size in the lightbox? Currently the shortcode inserts the image at the full width of the container.

    As you probably know, I’m comfortable with making any PHP or other code changes to make this possible.


    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    1. Don’t think so (unless there’s a plugin for this, haven’t found any) – the theme uses the attachment ID that WordPress provides.

    2. You could add a class on that image and style that class with max-width, in the theme options.


    Cosmin – Support

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Actually, I’ve just realised – if your client is tech-challenged, try adding a dashboard column to the Media dashboard and show the attachment ID in it (here’s a tutorial on adding dashboard columns)


    Cosmin – Support

    Post count: 171

    I actually found an easy way – after inserting the image they can click on it to edit it and, in the Advanced options, add ‘prettyPhoto’ to the Link Rel field, which will open it in a lightbox.

    Not as cool as the overlay when using the shortcode, but still works well enough and is easy enough for the client to understand.

    I already knew how to show attachment ID’s – still too many steps for the client to do it that way, but maybe useful for someone else trying to use the shortcode.

    Quick question – will the documentation ever be updated to clarify some of these areas? It seems like there are a lot of answers in these forums that could be added to the docs and make it a lot easier on people using your themes…

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    I’ll let the developer know 🙂

    @ Ed:

    will the documentation ever be updated to clarify some of these areas? It seems like there are a lot of answers in these forums that could be added to the docs and make it a lot easier on people using your themes…

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Thanks for the feedback, we have got it on our list to improve the docs!

    – Ed

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