New Landing How can we help? Atelier Import Settings from Neighborhood Doesn't Work

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  • Posted in: Atelier
  • #172552
    Post count: 48

    I exported my site settings from Neighborhood before activating Atelier. Importing the settings into Atelier does absolutely nothing from what I can see. I can find any settings that have been imported. Even simple things like the logo and social profile links are still missing.

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    It’s not possible to export them from Neighborhood and import to Atelier since Atelier has a lot more options. You adjust them manually. Sorry 🙁


    Post count: 48

    Let me understand this… You have 6,000+ sales of Neighborhood and 300+ of Atelier. You’ve just decided to not make big enhancements to Neighborhood which was your flagship eCommerce theme but instead create an entirely new one. Then, instead of making it easy to migrate every last setting that could possibly be migrated so that your converted customers would only have to setup new functionality, you decided, no, screw them, they can just do everything from scratch again. Logos, fonts, colors, blog settings… it doesn’t matter if it’s obviously in both themes they can just do all of the work again.

    Not only that, but when your customers try to switch back to Neighborhood to see what some of their settings were they get a completely blank website and admin area due to your new plugin. (See But that’s OK too because, according to the other post, it’s by design!

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @terrysmith

    We haven’t decided to not make these enhancements to Neighborhood – Atelier is a completely different design, and a completely different framework. We have upgrade plans in place for Neighborhood and these will happen once we can ensure that we can update frameworks without causing issues for customers – not a simple process when said customers have customisations in place that could be greatly affected.

    The takeover of Redux happened after we released Neighborhood, and as such this is on the old version, and the switch to the latest is not a simple process.

    We’re not here to screw our customers, the upgrade isn’t forced and while we’d have loved to have been using this framework we’re on now from the start, that just isn’t the way things worked out. We’re constantly striving to provide the best platforms for our customers, and we will keep working on improving it.

    – Ed

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