New Landing How can we help? Cardinal Icon Box Grid

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  • Posted in: Cardinal
  • #89234
    Post count: 182

    hi, any suggestions to create a grid of icon boxes? I tried below, but it displays icon boxes vertically, rather than horizontally:

    [sf_iconbox image=”ss-egg” character=”” color=”standard” type=”standard” title=”egg” link=”” target=”_blank” animation=”none” animation_delay=”200″]

    [sf_iconbox image=”ss-pizza” character=”” color=”standard” type=”standard” title=”pizza” link=”” target=”_blank” animation=”none” animation_delay=”200″]

    [sf_iconbox image=”ss-platter” character=”” color=”standard” type=”standard” title=”platter” link=”” target=”_blank” animation=”none” animation_delay=”200″]

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @icecast,

    If possible, I would suggest using the page builder asset for these, so that you can easily set the width and align how many you want per row etc.

    If you need these within content, then you can use the following shortcodes to place around each one to create columns:

    3 columns


    4 columns


    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

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