New Landing How can we help? General Forum Help How to use language switcher like neighborhood demo?

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  • #159945
    Post count: 208

    Hi guys,

    Before I proceed with my question I wanted to congratulate you for the amazing work on the neighborhood theme (the one I purchased)! I honestly think your themes must be the best ones on the market from my experience so far.

    Getting back to the topic,

    I want to create a language switcher on my website identical to the one you have on neighborhood demo (on the top right, next to login) but I can’t figure out how to achieve this. Do you have some type of documentation?

    I have installed WPML and translated the pages and created a new menu in the second language but I can only manage to put the language on the main menu.

    Looking forward to some more info,

    Best Regards,

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    thanks for your kind words. We appreciate it.

    Regarding your problem, check inside the Theme options-> Header options
    and enable the option “Show translation aux option”.

    Let us know if it worked.


    Post count: 208

    Thanks for the speedy reply Rui!

    It worked like a charm! I don’t know why but I’ve been through this menu so many times and I never noticed it.

    Once again keep up the good work and I am definitely purchasing more themes from swiftideas in the future!

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    Great- Glad to hear that.


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