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  • #47507
    Post count: 1

    Latest Versions of WordPress and Neighborhood Theme


    Great theme!! I just have a problem with the admin menu in the backend. I don’t want subscribers to be able to see the “Jobs, Team, Testimonials, and FAQ” menu items in the backend. After learning that these menu items are connected to the Neighbohood theme, I bought a plugin that customizes the admin menu and tried to remove these menu items but it wouldn’t allow me to because they are a part of the default WordPress menu.

    admin area

    Is there a way to remove those admin menu items from Subscriber’s view?

    Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hi, you will want to find a plugin that lets you control that. It’s not a built in feature to control that I’m afraid. Cheers

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please open to edit 4 files testimonials-type.php , team-type.php , jobs-type.php and faqs-type.php at /wp-content/themes/neighborhood/includes/custom-post-types/ through a FTP software .

    Please find this code 
    'labels' => $labels, 
    Replace with 
    'labels' => $labels, 
    'capability_type' => 'post', 

    I am sure that it will fix your issue .

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