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  • #84502
    Post count: 25

    On the site i am building I need certain products to not have prices listed, if I leave the price field blank then they are displayed as free. These items will be FOB products, so the price will change depending on the stock ordered. All I need to do is replace the word free whereever it appears on these selected styles.

    I have succesfully used the “Solid Code Theme Editor” plugin to change the FREE corner badge in the following two files:


    But I cannot find where I need to edit the price that appears below the image and product details, currently it says “Free!” and I need it to say FOB. which file do I edit?

    Post count: 25

    Update: I have downloaded PoEdit on the mac and downloaded the following file “language/en_US.po” in there I have added a translation of FOB to the source text Free

    Is this correct, and if so, how do i re-upload the file back into the site?

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Please upload .PO and .MO files at this path /wp-content/themes/neighborhood/languages/ through FTP software.
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 25

    Hi, I tried this and it didn’t work. this is what i did:
    1. downloaded en_US.po
    2. opened in poedit and added translation for Free (see screenshot)
    3. Saved file, this generated the .mo file
    4. Removed and archived current en_US.po + files
    5. FTP’d new versions.
    6. Refreshed page to see if the language changed.

    Have i missed something out? Did i need to do anything extra in poedit (am i editing the right phrase – on the site the price reads “Free!” however in poedit I can only find “Free” without the exclamation mark), should i do something after ftp’ing the file into the site to validate it?

    please read my questions and advise on what step i should take next. thanks

    Post count: 25

    update, please read comment above first!

    As recommended in I edited my WordPress wp-config.php file and added this line to it, then saved the file to server:

    define (‘WPLANG’, ‘en_US’);

    Didn’t work, the Free! is still showing and it does not show the translated word.

    Post count: 25

    tried a million different things, in the end thanks to google search this works…
    copy this code into functions.php –

    * WooCommerce Extra Feature
    * ————————–
    * Replace “Free!” by a custom string
    function woo_my_custom_free_message() {

    add_filter(‘woocommerce_free_price_html’, ‘woo_my_custom_free_message’);

    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880

    Great, glad you managed to solve it!

    – Kyle

    Mohammad – SUPPORT
    Post count: 27441

    Great! Thanks for sharing solution. I am glad that you managed to resolve the issue. You are genius.
    Thanks 🙂
    With Best Regards
    Swift Ideas

    Post count: 8

    Hi guys!

    I am not as technical unfortunately and wondering if you could help me out with removing the prices off our products!

    Thank You! Appreciate any help given

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779



    What is you goal? You just want a catalog mode to display products?
    Without having the ability to create any product order in the shop?

    You can turn on the catalog mode in Theme Options-> Woocommerce options -> Catalog Mode


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