New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions Function Hooks and Filters – Resources Anywhere?

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  • #39162
    Post count: 9

    Sorry for the gripe but if you can point me to some resources like those included I will recant it all.

    One thing that would be really great is if you guys would put out a comprehensive list of the filters and hooks that are available for developers like me to tie into when we are creating child themes. I love your page builder but I am really having some issues with the complexity involved in creating a child theme, and I have been building child themes for several years.

    Specifically, if I am going to create custom functionality for a child theme it would be nice if that functionality could be something easily updated on the admin side. For example, a custom header layout. I can easily override the header.php file and customize the code in there but I need to be able to build page templates and site elements in code.

    A guide or some articles in your KB like these would be really clutch.

    Building Child Themes

    Hooks Explained

    Visual Hooks Guide – Something like this would be really helpful.

    I’d love to help with building these resources as well, but I will need a little more from you guys if you are willing to open up to an outsider.



    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi Chad,

    Thank you very much for the feedback, especially that visual hook guide.

    It’s something we want to work on, and will hopefully get around to doing so soon, and provide this functionality in an update.

    Thanks again, and a happy new year!

    – Ed

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