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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #3060
    Post count: 10


    I’m trying to add a full width map image at the bottom of the homepage in

    I’m using a full width text block with an alt background and using a 450px blank png so that the bg image is displayed. I would like to remove the arrow and the padding and spacing so that only the bg image is displayed.

    I’m I doing it right? Is there a simpler way to achieve what i’m trying to do?

    Thanks in advance,


    Post count: 10

    I’ve manage to make it work by adding the css class “full-width-text wpb_content_element alt-bg alt-six span12 mb0 bt0 bb0 pb0 no-arrow wpb_text_column” that i’ve copied from the page.

    I still need to add a couple of blank paragraphs so the bg image is displayed.

    Is there a simpler way to achieve what i’m trying to do?

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    You could set an extra class for that element and add custom CSS to set a height for it, so that the background image is displayed.

    Example: add extra class “mycustombgimage” (no quotes)
    Then, add custom CSS:

    .mycustombgimage {
      min-height: 300px;

    Adjust as necessary.



    Support Assistant

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