Dear Staff,
So basically, what I need here is the following:
1) I would like to resize the fonts from the footer and the space between each column. They are too separated from each other, and it seems kind of weird.
2) I have a multi-site (two languages) Spanish and English. If I place a footer, how do I translate the content of it?. It happens as well for the main homepage, where the title is only in English, instead of being separated Spanish from English, and vice versa. In both pages they are in English.
3) Happens the same with the copyright, how do I place two translated copyright text separated in Spanish and English?.
4) I created a form in Spanish, and you submit, the alerts are in English. – I CORRECTED IT, sorry. I forgot to translate the fields below. Thank you.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards,
Ramphis Reyes