New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Uplift font file conversion never completes

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  • Posted in: Uplift
  • #308868
    Post count: 234

    Hey Team, in Theme Options > Font Options I’ve attempted to upload a zip file of the following formats: .eot .woff2 .woff and .ttf as described in this forum post:

    When I upload a zip file with only the aforementioned font files in it, the message “Please Wait: Converting font file(s)…” appears and never goes away. I will say that the filenames are obfuscated – is that an issue in this case? Thanks in advance.

    Update: after refreshing the page (with the message still visable) I note the font is now listed along with 3 of its variations, but not the woff2 file. Did I interrupt the process too quickly?

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Can you check your server error logs to see if there is any additional info that can help to understand what is going on?


    Post count: 234

    Hey Rui, nothing in the log accept a bunch of 200 commands. See attached screenshot. Thoughts? -Paul

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    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    not sure about it, will have to forward it to Ed.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @WEswift

    Usually it’s down to the font conversion service failing (redux are aware of this and are in the process of rebuilding this plugin), but this looks to be due to your folders not having the correct permissions, so the font setup is being rejected when trying to write/read to the /wp-content/uploads folder. Can you please check the permissions of these?

    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    Ed – What’s odd is I don’t think the fonts need to be “converted”. The zip file contains web font files already. What would the system be doing as “conversion”? If I simply upload the fonts to the correct directory will the theme see them? -Paul

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @WEswift

    As far as i’m aware, that’s just the process – you upload 1 font file and then the service sorts it to be web-font ready.

    If you upload the font files to a folder within that custom-fonts folder, then it should show in the theme options as long as the permissions are correct so that they can be read.

    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    Ed – The instructions re: uploading a single font file contradicts earlier advice from this forum post.

    Meanwhile, I went ahead and uploaded the font files via ftp. The theme successfully lists them at the top of the Theme Options > Fonts area. However, when I go to select a font for an element (say H1 in this case) I get a never ending loading gif animation preventing the font list from appearing. Thoughts?

    ps – what permissions settings need to appear on the custom fonts files and their parent folders?

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    I’ve never tried uploading a zip file of the fonts, that may well work but I’ve always just uploaded a single font file when testing.

    That means that the folder in /wp-content/redux can’t be read – the system tries to read it but is rejected so it can’t finish loading. There should be an error in the console log to confirm this.

    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    Ed – So which is the officially supported way to load custom fonts? I am unable to locate a log error re: folder permissions in this instance. However, I can confirm that the custom-fonts folder within redux has 755 permissions, as do the three font folders within custom-fonts. (wp-content/uploads/redux/custom-fonts/custom/myfontfolder/) The font files themselves are set to 644. Thoughts? -Paul

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi @WEswift

    Uploading manually to that folder has the highest success rate right now – the font conversion service has been getting more and more flaky. Can you try setting the font files to 755?.. Can you also check the browser console when you get the infinite loading in the backend, let us know if you see an error there?


    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    Ed – modified the font files to 755. I’ve attached the console error log screenshot. Thoughts? -Paul

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    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @WEswift – hmm that’s odd, not the error I was expecting. Which version of Redux Framework do you have installed? Can you possibly try disabling the security plugin and any other plugin which may potentially be conflicting?


    – Ed

    Post count: 234

    Ed – I’m using Redux Framework version 3.6.3. Please see the attached screenshot for the de-activated vs active plugins. That particular de-activated plugins test didn’t work. Thoughts? -Paul

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