New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions Feature request – 'One Page' pages & FAQs

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  • #85211
    Post count: 44


    I love your ‘one page’ navigation (and your theme – thank you!).

    I noticed a few requests to be able to create more than one FAQ page, which I think is a good idea. I can understand that it’s not possible/more difficult using the plugin that comes packaged with the theme. However, there may be another way…?

    A previous theme I used, did their ‘one pagers’ differently, which I thought worked really well. In their’s, you create the pages as normal, then select the individual pages you want pulled in to create a new single page. The beauty of this is that you can easily ‘stitch’ together whatever pages exist on your site, reusing them whenever and wherever you want.

    This makes it extremely flexible and would be good for things like promotions that are run periodically, meaning you could tack the page on as and when needed, rather than recreating it/making a new page each time. For FAQs it would be great too, because you could create as many FAQ sections as needed (from scratch or using another plugin), ‘stitch’ them together to create one long FAQ page, but also show parts of it in context elsewhere on your site.

    Anyway, it’s just a suggestion… I love the theme anyway, so well done to you guys!!!


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    @Meanderling – which theme are you referring to? 🙂

    – Ed

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