New Landing How can we help? Themeforest Theme Support Neighborhood Error after Theme-Update to 1.3.3 (Revolution Slider)

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  • #24807
    Post count: 59

    There is an error in Revslider after Update:

    Settings (slider_settings) Error: Duplicate setting name:position
    #0 …httpdocs/de/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/framework/settings.class.php(358): UniteSettingsRev->add(‘position’, ‘center’, ‘Position on the…’, ‘list’, Array)
    #1 …/httpdocs/de/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/framework/settings.class.php(720): UniteSettingsRev->addSelect(‘position’, Array, ‘Position on the…’, ‘center’, Array)
    #2 …/httpdocs/de/wp-content/plugins/revslider/settings/slider_settings.php(40): UniteSettingsRev->loadXMLFile(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)
    #3 …/httpdocs/de/wp-content/plugins/revslider/inc_php/framework/base_admin.class.php(220): require(‘/var/www/vhosts…’)
    #4 …/httpdocs/de/wp-content/plugins/revslider/revslider_admin.php(141): UniteBaseAdminClassRev::requireSettings(‘slider_settings’)
    #5 [internal function]: RevSliderAdmin->adminPages(”)
    #6 …/httpdocs/de/wp-includes/plugin.php(406): call_user_func_array(Array, Array)
    #7 …/httpdocs/de/wp-admin/admin.php(149): do_action(‘toplevel_page_r…’)
    #8 {main}

    Tahir – SUPPORT
    Post count: 1212


    Can you please provide login details , Also try deactivating the Revolution slider and then update the theme. After updating try activating the revolution slider.


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