New Landing How can we help? General Feedback & Suggestions Default settings for blog posts

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  • #7529
    Post count: 33

    I’m using the Flexform theme.

    I’m quite surprised that there is no “default for blog posts”, as there are defaults for Archive/Category pages and Default Meta.
    It’s getting a bit tiresome to always, when creating a blog post – have to do the following:
    – tick off Full Width Media Display
    – set it to Alt 6 for header background
    – tick off “show related”
    – tick in “use thumbnail content”
    – select “Right sidebar” and then pick “Sidebar Four”

    And what if I decide to change the layout of my blog posts one day, perhaps use two sidebars, Three and Seven? I’ll have to then go through all XXX number of posts and change manually?.
    It’s a big hassle.

    And while I’m at it: Why can I not rename the damned sidebars? Or create my own for that matter? Remembering which one is which, is a hassle in itself. Sure, I could open up the functions.php and hack away, but that’ll seriously complicate the upgrade/update in the future.

    Other than that, it’s a great framework with a superb Page Builder, far better than most I’ve seen. I just wish you’d make that into a plugin on its own and sell it stand-alone so I could use it in my own projects – but we’ve already had that discussion by email ๐Ÿ™‚

    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Problem is with planning for future change is that the meta set in the post itself always needs to override the default, it would be really tough to think of a workaround for this.

    We’ll think about default blog post meta options for the future. You could always edit /includes/meta-boxes.php to change the defaults for now ๐Ÿ™‚

    – Ed

    Post count: 33

    To fix the problem with the future-situation, you could easily make a button that would overwrite all the settings of all blog entries either by category, by tag, or just “all of them”. That’s one way to solve that ๐Ÿ™‚

    Ok, I’ll edit the meta-boxes.php then ๐Ÿ™‚


    Post count: 61

    Hi Swift Ideas,

    I agree with dekket: a button to make all blog posts with or without a default sidebar (left, right, both) would be great!

    Thanks for taking our input! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Post count: 61

    I see is actually an included feature in Theme Options > Archive/Category Options.

    I guess I just didn’t see it before/know it would work with New Posts.

    Would still love some default options for the Blog for checkboxes like “Full Width Media Display” and “Include social sharing” โ€“ these have checkboxes individually in each post to turn “ON” or “OFF”. Would be cool to be able to do that “Globally” in the Theme Options.

    Thanks, Flexform and SwiftIdeas!

    Post count: 61

    Above I wrote that the feature was included in Theme Options > Archive/Category Options, which is true, but the actual spot to set this for the site non-archive/category posts is in Theme Options > Default Meta Options.

    Check there and set those options for global Pages/Posts.

    Post count: 33

    But, that’s not the case though… Setting defaults for featured image/video for instance, is not there.
    The perfect solution would be to simply have different ‘Default’ panels for each type of page/post. So Page, Single Post, Blog posts (overview)/Archive Pages, Category pages, as well as any custom post types, etc.
    I know it’s a pain because of how WordPress uses post types and what not, but still.

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Thanks for the feedback tho!

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