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  • Posted in: Flexform
  • #5699

    Is it possible to use custom social media icons in the Top Bar? I specifically need to add an icon for Thank you for any help.

    – David

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851

    Hi David,

    The theme has no option for this, you would need to custom code your own HTML in header.php and add styles for your own icons. Unfortunately, customizations like these are beyond the scope of theme support, so we can’t really help with tutorials or implementations – I’d suggest hiring a freelancer if it’s beyond your reach.


    Support Assistant

    Post count: 9

    Hi Cosmin
    Houzz are launching in the UK this July, so I am looking to do the same thing. Is it not possible to add them to the list of Social Profiles you have in the Pinpoint Theme Options?
    (You already have several social profiles in the list I’ve never even heard of ; – ) )
    Houzz gets a lot of traffic and is useful for anyone in the design industry….

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    We’ll forward this to the developer, but according to google insights

    houzz seems not really popular, and Houzz doesn’t really seem like a social media?!

    Post count: 9

    Hi Melanie
    Thanks for the quick reply. As I mentioned Houzz are just launching in the UK next month and they are proactively helping designers like myself to set up a professional profile for no charge.
    I was introduced to Houzz by a client of mine, and have colleagues who are already starting to get work and share ideas through it.

    As to whether it’s truly ‘social media’ – I guess it depends on your definition! I don’t see why it is any less social media than other heavily image-based ones like Pinterest and Flickr. People are using it to share images & interact with each other. Some people will sell products / services through it – but then they do that through twitter, Facebook etc. too.

    Any help much appreciated

    Melanie – SUPPORT
    Post count: 11032

    Hm, considering the low amount of people using it, I would rather recommend you choose a social media you don’t use and replace its icon in the theme’s images folder with your houzz icon, that way you don’t need to change code and have your link right away.

    Post count: 9

    Hi Melanie We are trying to do that. Replacing the image alone wouldn’t help as that doesn’t tell it where to link to, but we have managed to work round that.

    What we are struggling to find is where the social media icons are stored? There are 21 pages of images, but I cant find the social media icons. Please can you tell me where they are.


    Swift Ideas – Ed
    Post count: 15264

    If you check /flexform/images/ , the images are:

    Hope that helps.

    – Ed

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