I seem to be running into an issue related to the dynamic styles file caching setting where anytime a setting is saved in theme options, the folder for the uplift-custom.css file /uploads/swiftframework/ gets deleted but doesn’t recreate itself ultimately throwing an error and breaking the frontend styling. To get it to work, I have to manually create the folder first, then save theme options which will populate the file uplift-custom.css. Any saves after that will delete the folder entirely.
I was wondering if this could be something I would need to look into on my server’s configuration or if it is a possible bug with the a recent swift update as I don’t recall it happening initially.
This is the only error in the logs but I am not sure if it is related
PHP Notice: Uninitialized string offset: 0 in /public/wp-content/themes/uplift/swift-framework/core/sf-functions.php on line 1496