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  • Posted in: Supreme
  • #8026

    Hi, I have a couple of questions regarding the Supreme theme.

    1. The menu that shows when scrolling down doesn’t show in boxed mode, instead I get a slim white bar on the top of the site, looking kind of awkward. Does it not work in boxed mode?

    2. I want to change the order of the modules of my posts (when displayed) and activate only one sharing bar (Publicize), is there any way to do this without messing with code? And if not, is there a simple way to do it? i.e. show related articles, then post, then share, then comments.

    3. There seems to be an error with Facebook on the social sidebar plugin, it displays the following: “BrunuaMX is not a member of the page table. method facebook.fql.query query SELECT fan_count FROM page WHERE page_id=BrunuaMX

    4. I am translating the whole thing to spanish, would you be interested in it?

    Thanks, have a good day.

    Cosmin – SUPPORT
    Post count: 3851


    1. The mini header should definitely work with boxed content (, can I see your site please?

    2. You’ll need to customize the theme’s single.php, it isn’t otherwise possible.

    3. You need to add your page ID, not username

    4. Sure, you can make a post and share the link to your translation. I’m sure Spanish-speaking users would greatly appreciate it ๐Ÿ™‚


    Cosmin – Support

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