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  • #123172
    Post count: 5


    I have WooCommerce successfully installed with Neighborhood 1.81 on another site.
    However, I have encountered problems setting up this new site with V 1.93

    I get this message on the checkout page:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function wc_ship_to_billing_address_only() in /home3/russ/public_html/ on line 167

    The code at this point is:
    <?php endif; ?>
    and this is exactly the same at the same point on the other site.

    Despite this message, the order is processed and both customer and I receive confirmation notices.

    I found this comment on the WooCommerce Forum:

    This issue is caused by your theme, they are bundling outdated template files in their themes that have been deprecated for a while now. You should contact the theme developer to get this fixed properly. You can delete that specific file from your theme until this issue has been patched by your theme developer for a temporary fix. WooCommerce will fall back on the default template file, bundled with the plugin.

    I’m not very familiar with code and don’t what template file they are referring to so I’m not about to delete any files..

    What do you suggest..?

    Thanks !

    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779


    Neighborhood V 1.93 it’s adapted to Woocommerce 2.2.6

    We are working on the update because of the new Woocommerce version 2.2.7 launched on 22 of October, that we will release in the next days.

    I also notice you have a cache plugin. Can you purge the cache and try again?


    Post count: 5

    Hi Rui,

    That’s great – purging the cache fixed it…!

    Many thanks for the prompt and effective response…!


    Rui Guerreiro – SUPPORT
    Post count: 25779

    No problem. Glad it’s sorted.

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