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  • #73614
    Post count: 56

    Hi I am trying to add in new code to the sf-woocommerce.php in the Swift Framework of the Neighborhood theme. I am adding in some extra accordion “tabs” in the single products page. If I recreate the folders in my child theme folder it doesn’t show the new code but if I put the code directly into the parent theme it shows on my site. Does the swift framework files not work in the child theme or have I put them in the wrong place.
    In the root of the child folder I have created the following

    The site Url is
    I have left the code in the parent to show you.
    Wordpress 3.9.1
    Woocommerce 2.1.8
    Neighborhood theme 1.71


    Kyle – SUPPORT
    Post count: 35880


    Please paste the function that you are trying to add in your child theme, if it does not start with

    if (!function_exists

    then it is not possible to overwrite in the child theme

    – Kyle

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